Donor Advised Funds (DAF)
You can recommend a grant from your donor-advised fund by calling your fund manager, or logging in to your granting institution and selecting Women Helping Women Fund.
Matching Gifts
Ask your employer if they have a matching gift program. Employee matching gifts often are dollar-for-dollar, but some companies could double or even triple your original donation.
Stock Gifts
Gifts of stock as tax-deductible contributions are accepted to support WHWF's important work. Contact our office with any questions.
SEI Private Trust Company
DTCC Participant #0164
FBO: Charles Schwab, Co. Inc.
FCC: Women Helping Women Fund
Endowment Fund Account # 6070-5845
Legacy Gifts
Bequests are a flexible and impactful way to give to your favorite charities. Changes can be made due to personal circumstances at any time. We have provided example charitable language that you may consider adding to your will or living trust.
I bequeath the sum of $____ to Women Helping Women Fund, Spokane, WA, for the purpose of supporting or funding _____________.
Please consult with your attorney or estate planner regarding your plans to provide a legacy gift. The WHWF EIN is 91-1561874
In Honor/Memory Of
Making a gift in honor of a friend or family member is a great way to recognize their commitment to our community.
Please include relevant information with your donation to make an in honor or in memory gift:
Full name of family or family member
Type of donation (in honor or in memory of)
Contact information for individual or family member (to provide notification of your gift)
When making a donation online you may type the details of the gift into the Notes box.
Qualified Charitable Distribution (QCD)
Donating from your IRA can be an efficient way to meet your philanthropic goals while also providing additional tax-related benefits. Funds can be transferred directly from your IRA custodian to Women Helping Women Fund (WHWF). This is accomplished by requesting your IRA custodian issue a check from your IRA payable to WHWF. You can then request that the check be mailed to WHWF at 3704 N Nevada St, Ste 201, Spokane, WA 99207. The WHWF EIN is 91-1561874
Ways To Give
You can change a life with Women Helping Women Fund. There are many ways to make a difference!