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We support local women and children, removing the barriers to their success, and bringing the community together to fund non-profit partners that can make that happen. That's why we've awarded more than $7 million in high-impact grants to fund projects and programs in Spokane County. Learn more about our grantees and their impactful projects.
Catholic Charities of Eastern Washington
Childbirth and Parenting Assistance (CAPA)
CAPA/PREPARES (Childbirth and Parenting Assistance) provides an environment for parents to build loving bonds with their kids to prepare them for a healthy future. CAPA/PREPARES offers stabilizing and advocacy services to expecting and parenting individuals and families with children ages five and under.
Christ Kitchen
Horticulture Job Training 2.0
Horticulture Job Training 2.0 expands on the original training offered by Christ Kitchen. The seeds and seedlings produced over the winter months will be ready for the Emerson-Garfield Farmers Market, more freshly grown produce will be available for their cafe and catering, and women can expand their home gardens to supplement their home food budget and provide healthy food for their children.
Community-Minded Enterprises
Expanding Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health Consultation
This grant will help to provide another full-time mental health consultant to come alongside classroom teachers and equip them with a strengths-based approach that will improve children’s social skills and emotional functioning, promote healthy relationships, reduce challenging behaviors, improve classroom quality, and reduce teachers’ stress, burnout, and turnover.
Create Your Statement
Dating Abuse Education Program
Statement’s Dating Abuse Education program is an integrated education program for Spokane County youth aged 12-18, designed to prevent and interrupt dating abuse and build healthy relationship skills. Funding will help to fund program instructors to deliver REDFLAG, COMPASS, Take a Stand, and Dating Abuse 101 curricula to 2,000 teenaged youth.
Joya Child & Family Development
Nutrition and Feeding Program
This grant funding will support an in-house registered dietician as part of Joya’s Nutrition and Feeding Program. There is only one agency with two dieticians providing services for our entire county. There are limited appointments and wait lists are long. Infants and toddlers who aren’t eating don’t have time to wait and often end up being hospitalized. This registered dietician will work with Joya’s feeding therapists and parents.
Mujeres in Action
Behavioral Health Services for DV/SA Survivors & Families
This grant funding will help to launch MiA’s mental health services, as they provide individual and group trauma-informed and resilience-based therapeutic services to survivors and their families, including adults, adolescents, and children, in Spanish. Through a cultural context and creative arts therapeutic model, Mente y Corazon will help participants to identify, understand, and ameliorate the effects of trauma and domestic and sexual violence.
Northeast Youth Center
Empowering Low-Income Youth through Holistic Child Care
This grant will help to sustain holistic childcare and early learning programs for 150 children ages 3 to 11 enrolled at NEYC’s multipurpose youth center. Most kids served (89%) will be low-income, and more than half will experience developmental disabilities, learning deficits, and other challenges that frequently become major barriers to academic and life success.
Odyssey Youth Movement
Drop-In Meals and Food Access
Funding will be used to support Odyssey's Inclusive Schools program, working alongside local LGBTQ+ students to ensure they are supported in their current school environments and can access a future in continued inclusive schooling and education. This program includes support of GSA (Gender and Sexuality Alliance) clubs, consultation with school staff and club advisors, creating connections between school groups, and hosting community events.
Partners Inland Northwest
Food for Thought
Food for Thought (FFT) provides weekend meals to K-12 students experiencing homelessness or poverty during the school year and summer school. 500-700 students are served weekly in 23 schools. FFT stocks pantries at high schools, supplying groceries, diapers, school supplies, and clothing. Additionally, FFT stocks food, clothing, diapers, school supplies, and store gift cards weekly at the Central Valley School District Student and Family Engagement Center. In summer, FFT supplies transportation and food to unaccompanied homeless teens.
Partners with Families & Children
Child Abuse Specialty Medical Exams
Funding will help to provide trauma-informed specialized medical examinations for child victims of child abuse, sexual assault, sex trafficking, neglect and/or maltreatment. The model at Partners brings together child protective services investigators, law enforcement, forensic interviewers, prosecutors, advocates, and medical and mental health professionals to provide a coordinated, comprehensive response to child victims and their caregivers. This approach reduces trauma, helps children heal, and lowers the risk of future abuse and other negative consequences.
Project Beauty Share
Fortify Hygiene Supplies
This program provides personal hygiene, cosmetics, and beauty products to non-profit organizations who serve women and families overcoming abuse, addiction, homelessness, and poverty to help restore hope and dignity in their lives.
Raze Development
Building a Behavioral Health Team as a Critical Intervention in Early Learning
Grant funds will help underwrite behavioral health support staff and resources at Raze for students and teachers and will incorporate family members as needed. Raze will be opening in an extreme childcare access desert, and they will be serving children with Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs). The children they are targeting have behavioral health needs. They will have a dedicated staff member who is a behavioral health specialist to support the team as they navigate difficulties serving infants and children on-site.
Spokane Hearing Oral Program of Excellence
Early Learning Program – Speech Language Pathology
Grant funding will help to hire a part-time speech-language pathologist (SLP). Specialized daily speech-language therapy is crucial to our students’ kindergarten readiness. SLPs specialize in Deaf and Hard of Hearing services, an area of expertise that is hard for families to access otherwise. Spokane HOPE is the only educational program in Eastern Washington, with SLPs who are trained in developing listening and speaking skills with children who are deaf or hard of hearing.
Spokane Regional Domestic Violence Coalition
Enhancing Health and Social Needs Access for Justice Involved Youth
SRDVC will be partnering with the Spokane County Juvenile Court (SCJC) to provide holistic wrap-around services to justice-involved populations. SCJC serves youth up to 17 years of age up to age 21 through probation. The Community Health Worker will assist juveniles in Detention through a screening to connect violence-impacted youth to care, patient follow-up, insurance, food resources, transportation, housing, health literacy, and provide advocacy and emotional support. SRDVC will bridge the gap in services for this highly impacted youth population.
Transitional Living Center
Transitions’ Transitional Living Center (TLC) provides supportive transitional housing for women and children experiencing homelessness in Spokane. 90% of TLC families are fleeing domestic violence and 100% are low-income, often facing a choice between staying in an unsafe living environment or sleeping in vehicles, shelters, doubling up with other households, or camping. TLC’s trauma-informed transitional housing program offers moms and their families a safe environment for recovery and the time, services, and support to help families transition toward permanent housing, regain employment, and achieve family stabilization and self-sufficiency.
Vanessa Behan
Emergency Respite Care
Vanessa Behan is a safe place for children to stay when their families are stressed and overwhelmed. Children between birth and 12 can stay up to 72 hours. Their care is grounded in trauma-informed principles and includes social/emotional learning in order to help children repair their damaged stress-response systems. With the addition of Positive to the ACE framework (now PACE), Vanessa Behan provides developmentally appropriate play activities. Having a positive play experience is vital to their development & gives them a break from the stress they experience at home.
Women & Children's Free Restaurant
Nutrition Security
Nutrition Security is designed to intentionally reach Spokane’s women, children, and teens through the two ways WCFR distributes nutritious meals and curated boxes of groceries. Twice a week, nutritious prepared meals and boxed groceries are delivered curbside at WCFR. Seven days per week, WCFR distributes prepared meals through 19+ community partners. They have developed partnerships with organizations focused on serving women, children, and teens experiencing economic instability, family violence, homelessness or housing insecurity, and other related challenges.
YMCA of the Inland Northwest
Early Childhood Education and Childcare
Grants funds will offset the daily operational loss of income from the monthly Scholarships and Fee Reductions awarded to Childcare Clients (families classified as low-income living at or below the poverty guideline) who are unable to pay full or partial amounts of monthly fees for childcare due to personal financial constraints. Funds will also directly cover the Scholarships and Fee Reduction assistance for clients to maintain childcare services for their children; which then allows them to maintain adequate full-time employment.
YWCA Spokane
Legal Advocacy
Funding from WHWF will equip YWCA to sustain all aspects of our Legal Advocacy program that are transformative at the individual victim and system level. YWCA hired an Analyst who works directly with the law enforcement DV Unit. This position investigates the offender’s firearm possession before first appearances and trials. These investigative pre-trial steps give the judge and prosecutor information about gun ownership. The Analyst coordinates with law enforcement and advocates, provides weekly status updates regarding offender compliance and status of outstanding orders to the court, and places weekly calls to offenders to schedule weapons collection.
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